Quantum Consciousness Theorist — Anesthesiolo- gist and professor at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona.

Optogenetics Neuro- engineer — Neuroscientist at MIT. Associate member of the McGovern Institute for Brain Research.

Genius Android Creator
Director of the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory in Osaka, Japan.

Futurist Entrepreneur
Visionary tech entrepreneur. Science sponsor: Oxford University's largest benefactor in 900 years.

A.I. Pioneer & Mind Theorist — Professor of Media Arts and Sciences, MIT, Media Lab.

Android Tech Innovator
American robotics designer and researcher, creates androids: humanlike robots with intelligence and feelings.

Abundance Engineer
Physician, entrepreneur, founder and chairman of the X PRIZE Foundation. Author of Abundance.

Genomics Pioneer
Molecular geneticist, pioneer in personal genomics and synthetic biology.

Quantum Consciousness Activist — Professor Emeritus at the Theoretical Physics Department of the University of Oregon.

Neuroprosthetics Pioneer
Brain prosthesis technology developer at the USC Center for Neuroengineering.

Singularitarian Immortalist
Director of Engineering at Google, famous inventor, author of How to Create a Mind.

Visionary IT & Bio-entrepreneur — American lawyer, author, and life sciences entrepreneur. Founding CEO of United Therapeutics.

Self-realized Siddha Master — Mahamandale-shwar of the Juna Akhara Order of Hindu Monks. Yoga master.

Artificial General Intelligence researcher
Founder, OpenCog Foundation. Chairman, Biomind LLC.

Universal Evolutionist
Astrophysicist, conceiver of the Snooks-Panov Curve which describes the coming technological singularity.

Quantum Consciousness Theorist — Co-creator of the Orch OR model of the quantum nature of con-
sciousness and memory.

Cognition Theorist
Chief scientist at the RAS Institute of Philosophy, Co-chair of the RAS Science Council on the Methodology of Artificial Intelligence.

Human Enhancement Trailblazer — Author of Body by Design: An Innovative Platform Diverse Body.

Cognitive Enhancement Theorist — Philosopher at the Future of Humanity Institute. Editor of the Whole Brain Emulation Roadmap.

Spirituality Researcher
Renowned American writer and public figure. Moderator of GF2045's interfaith dialogue.

Connectomics Pioneer
Founding president of the Brain Preservation Foundation. Senior scientist, Howard Hughes Medical Institute's Janelia Farm Research Campus.

Neuroengineering Pioneer
Computational Neuroscien- tist, science curator in the whole brain emulation field, pioneering development of substrate-independent minds.

Spiritual Transhumanist
Mahamandaleshwar of the Juna Akhara Order of Hindu Monks. Russian yoga master.

Brain-Machine Connector
Psychophysiologist, founder of first Russian BCI laboratory.

Jewish Mystical Meditator
Cooperman/Ross Endowed Professor in Honor of Sister Rose Thering at Seton Hall University.

Neuroinformatics Pioneer
Professor, Honorary President and Founder of the Russian Association of Neuroinformatics.

Big History Forecaster
Director of the Eurasian Center for Big History and System Forecasting.

Bionic Arm Man
Former precious metals smelter. Pioneering user of the world's most advanced artificial arm.